King Crop Insurance Newsletter
February 2023 Newsletter
I hope this newsletter finds you & your family doing well. There’s been A LOT of sickness in our house thanks to our little ones so thank you for your continued patience with me as it’s been tricky trying to get caught up. The boys are getting to fun ages and I’m enjoying watching them grow into their personalities and become helpers on the farm.
As we reflect on 2022, it certainly was a year of record high inputs, volatile markets, and low precipitation. The distance between areas with timely rains and top-end yields were sometimes only miles apart from areas of severe drought and losses. Ear molds, vomitoxin, market volatility, and purple beans all seemed to be a common topic of conversation during harvest.
As we look forward to 2023 planting season, inputs have come down some as interest rates have been on the rise. Spring crop insurance prices are set during the month of February and if they continue to hold, we will have another year of high levels of crop insurance coverage with lower premiums than 2022. There is just so much more riding on our crops these days and with increased weather extremes, it’s nice to know that you can cover your payments in the event of a loss.